Signs From The Universe and Jose and Archer Pressing Plant

 It's been a while...

Life gets in the way...

It's funny when I get spiritual then things seem to come to me in mysterious ways. I've been sitting in some deep thought lately, processing life, and praying a lot. This weekend the universe reminded me that I had made a promise to some friends and one to Jose. 

My kids and I were watching Lady and the Tramp the 2019 version and out of the blue one of Jose's friends popped into the movie. His name is Arturo Castro and I met him when Jose and I went to New York. 

There are reminders of our friends that have moved on everywhere, we just gotta keep our eyes open. So we have confirmed a pressing plant. It's Archer Records out of Detroit. It's great news and I just got a quote from them. It was much higher than I anticipated.

The number makes me feel a little nervous. Thoughts go through my head. Can I afford this much? Will we make enough money to cover this? Luckily, I've been on a spiritual path lately so I've gained some tools to handle this. I followed with that yes I can afford it. The money will come when I have faith. What's money good for anyways, I can't hold on to it when I die and this will be a memory that will live on forever, A physical memory, and an ode to our friend who made an impact in our life more than I could have imagined it. 

I woke up this morning at 3am (luckily I went to bed at 9pm, so I had enough sleep) so thoughts of our friend and this project kept popping in. God wanted me to get up and start working on it again. I went through a 2-month dip as my friend calls or a down period. But I'm here now and back to working on the project. 

I was thinking of the first time Jose Raul brought me out to Guatemala, it was the best gig I ever did. The room was packed and everything went smooth. The crowd was swaying back and forth to the music and without a doubt the night that stands out through my short DJ career. Although I still play at home on my turntables and make mixes I am a father now. 

And that brings me to another thought. My daughter Fiona recently wrote me a love letter. 

And I think of our friend Jose Raul and his daughter. And I think that he would have loved to get a letter like this from Venus. He was full of love. But maybe he's up there looking down and he gets to see it all. I hope he does. 

Enjoy the ones you love and be grateful for them, cause one day we will all pass. For now, I wish you a wonderful day and the project keeps on moving. 

talk soon,



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